It’s a blog.
It’s educational.
It’s hopefully entertaining.
It’s not investment advice.
I write about how to think about investing.

Growing Places
Who invests better: Sequoia or Oaktree?. What kind of trees should investors look for anyway? How to follow branches to find investment opportunities.

A Rock and A Hard Place
What happens if you don’t invest? What happens when you play it safe? How to look at the risk of not investing.

2-bit Tournament
Should investors play soccer or get into jousting? Which one makes a better investment? How to find opportunities when a game changes.

Do waffles make a good investment? What happens when another company’s decisions can make or break your business? How to iron out investment opportunities from indecision.

What does paleontology say about digging for investments? How long does it take businesses to go extinct, anyway? How to find opportunities parsing dying companies from thriving ones.

Break the Cycle
Will memory makers continue to traumatize investors? Has AI resolved the boom and bust cycle that’s stalked the memory market? How to take the shift from a cyclical market to a more stable one.

2025: What Did You Expect?
Some things Lamplighter got right in 2024. Some things it got wrong. What might come in 2025. A reminder of how little we know about the future and how to make that work.

Face Plant
When will you ever learn? What did you mess up this time? What lessons to take from losses and how to use them.

Fire-roasted Returns
What’s the recipe to rescue a flagging business? Can a low-margin, low-growth business offer a decent return? How to evaluate boring businesses.

Origin Story
What came first: the product or the customer? Where do customers come from anyway? How businesses organize and how that can deliver value to investors.

Hard Landing
What’s more successful: air travel regulation or consumer regulation? What does that say about the safety of an investment? How investors can adapt to changing regulatory environments.

Bon Voyage
Can a business with limited production be a good investment? Can inefficiency be turned into a profit? How to think about prestige as an opportunity.

Language Arts
Is this deal so sigma? Or is it Ohio? What do the kids have to say about M&A? How to evaluate an acquisition.

What kind of sauce goes complements an investment? How to reduce investment problems to improve decision making.

Mail It In
What's the right hat to wear as an investor? How much is a hat worth anyway? How to evaluate the price of convenience or inconvenience as an investment opportunity.

Does everyone win in a bull fight? What do bull fights and bull markets have in common? How to avoid losing in a bull market.

Time Piece
What does the life of a phone tell us about investing? How long should investments take anyway? How different timeframes can turn up investment opportunities.

The Customer is Always Right
Is the customer always right? What do customers tell us about the value of a business. How to listen to customer behavior to evaluate an investment.

Alternative Route
How does dental hygiene influence deals? What itch do mergers and acquisitions scratch anyway? How to think about deals that don’t work on paper.

The Treachery of Profit
How did the surrealist movement in the early 20th century influence modern accounting? Why does counting bits and pieces matter? How to find an economic profit from an accounting one.