It’s a blog.
It’s educational.
It’s hopefully entertaining.
It’s not investment advice.
I write about how to think about investing.
Growing Places
Who invests better: Sequoia or Oaktree?. What kind of trees should investors look for anyway? How to follow branches to find investment opportunities.
Does everyone win in a bull fight? What do bull fights and bull markets have in common? How to avoid losing in a bull market.
Well Mixed
Do cocktails and investing mix? What does a balanced drink tell us about the semiconductor business? How to evaluate a subtle, well-balanced memory company.
Stadium Seating
What do stadium restrooms tell us about investing? How did the move to indoor plumbing highlight opportunity? Finding investing chances in a digital paper chain.
Shell Game
What happens when rules change and investors don’t notice? What happens when investors screw up? How to take advantage of indifference and mistakes to find good opportunities.